Caring For The Environment
In a nation where 30% of the wood is harvested illegally and/or unsustainably at INA Furniture we make certain that our wood supply comes from responsible and legally harvested sources in Indonesia. By doing so, we are ensuring the sustainability of wood as a natural resource while taking part in the crusade against the rampant illegal logging activities in our country. We are proud to be making products from sustainable and legal sources and we believe so are you.

Caring For Our Employees
We don’t believe in sweatshops, nor do we believe in not compensating our employees fairly. Our success is dependent upon the collective energy and creativity of all of our employees. We strive to create a work environment where employees can flourish and succeed to their highest potential.
Because we truly care for our employee’s, we have earned their loyalty – with 5,000 employees we are one of the largest and most well-respected employers, in fact, many of our employees have been employed with us for several years, and many of their children have joined us, making our workforce multi-generational.
Supporting Local Craftsmen
Indonesia is blessed with a rich tradition of handcrafting. Therefore, we are committed to supporting local artisans and craftsmen and helping to preserve Indonesia’s time-honored tradition of hand craftsmanship. We are proud to be able to work with skilled local villagers and together create products that are both innovative and steeped in tradition that you would be proud to have in your home.